First Name
Last Name
Your dog's name, age, estimated weight & breed (or best guess)
Where did you get your dog and how long ago was that?
Please tell me what you knew of your dog's history prior to bringing them home.
Please list the name and phone number of your vet clinic and if you see a specific vet there.
How does your dog do at the vet? If they struggle at all, please let me know how that generally plays out.
Please summarize your dog's medical history, including any medical events or diagnoses.
Is your dog currently on any medications? If so, please tell me what medication, what it's for, and how often they take it.
Has your dog ever been on medication for their behavior? If so, please tell me which medication(s), how long, and what impact it had.
Do you suspect your dog has any undiagnosed medical conditions? If so, please tell me about it. (Example: I think they might have undiagnosed pain in their hips.)
Where does your dog sleep? Do they choose that sleeping spot or did you choose?
Where does your dog stay when you're not home?
Gated / closed off in an area of the home
Free roam of the house
Does your dog struggle when left home alone? If so, please tell me the details of what happens.
Please tell me about your dog's history with the crate.
How does your dog eat most of their meals?
In a bowl
In an enrichment item / puzzle feeder
As training rewards
Would you say your dog is a good eater?
Yes, eats just about anything.
I'd say they're a picky eater.
No, they're very picky! It's an ongoing struggle.
How often do you give your dog intentional enrichment, and what kinds of enrichment do you do regularly? (If you don't know what that is, that's okay! Just let me know that so I can give you more info.)
What kind of food do you currently feed your dog for regular meals?
What are your dog's top 3 favorite treats?
Please tell me how your dog reacts when guests come over.
Has your dog ever bitten a person (adult or child), either accidentally or on purpose? If so, please tell me about the incident(s) in detail.
Has your dog ever gotten into a scuffle or fight with another dog? If so, please tell me about the incident(s) in detail.
Has your dog ever gone after, injured or killed another animal other than a dog? If so, please tell me about the incident(s).
Tell me what it's like to walk your dog, including what YOUR experience is like and how your dog behaves.
What equipment do you use to walk your dog? What equipment have you tried in the past but no longer use?
What are some of the things you love most about your dog and would never want to change?
What are some of the things your dog does that frustrate you and/or cause friction in the home? In other words, what would you want to change?
What cues or training concepts is your dog familiar with, if any? (Example: sit, down, clicker training)
What are some of the things you wish your dog could do? (Please be specific. This could be cues, lifestyle things, the ability to go certain places, etc.)
What are your main goals for training at this time?
Have you ever worked with a dog trainer before? If so, what was the experience like? Please tell me the good and the bad.
Of all the trainers out there, why did you pick me?
Do you have any concerns or things you're worried about as we begin training?
Please list each member of the household, including animals. Include ages of kids. For animals, please include species, age & how long you've had them.
Is there any friction between your dog and any member of the household? If so, please tell me about it.
What days of the week/times of day are best for lessons?
Do the adult members of your household have a set work schedule? If so, what is it? If not, please give me an idea of what it's like (this will be helpful as we start to think about scheduling!)
What style home do you have?
Single family home
Row home / town home
Apartment / condo
What type of yard do you have?
No yard
Small - potty breaks only
Decent size - dog can run around
Which description best fits your immediate neighborhood?
Busy city life
Pretty chill considering it's the city
Pretty typical suburban family neighborhood
We have a good amount of space between neighbors
Pretty rural
None of these really fit!
Is there anything else about your dog, your household, or your training goals that you think I should know?