Baltimore Dog Training

Virtual options available to dogs anywhere in the world!

Ethical | Force-free | Welfare-focused | Supportive

A white woman wearing a trucker hat and a tri-colored dog in the foreground of the photo look down at the camera. The dog's tongue is out and he appears to be smiling.

Let’s take this journey together.

Hi, I’m Nikki and I work with dogs in Baltimore & worldwide. My approach to dog training is ethical, force-free, and focused on improving each dog’s wellbeing. I’m also passionate about supporting each dog’s human family as we move through the training process.

Dog behavior issues I help with

I love to help folks modify their dog’s behavior in one way or another! Some of the most common “issues” are:

  • Reactivity and/or leash issues (pulling, lunging, barking, etc)

  • Multi-dog households & the various issues that arise in that context

  • Crate training and/or separation anxiety / separation distress

  • Teaching manners like polite greetings, house manners, etc.

  • New dog - bonding, learning to communicate, general training

  • Stranger danger and/or other fear & nervousness

  • Anxiety in all of its forms and manifestations

  • Recall and long-line work (coming when called)

  • Switching from balanced training to positive training (getting away from aversive tools like prong collars, e-collars, and correction-based methods)

All of my dog training programs include the following:

  • A tan American Bully holds an orange floatable dog toy and runs toward the camera and the water.

    Virtual Consultation

    We’ll begin with an in-depth discussion of your dog’s behavior & history, your situation, your goals, etc. This consultation is done virtually and lasts from 60-90 minutes. Afterward, I’ll create a customized training plan for our first stretch of training, complete with immediate action items for you.

  • A brown and white pit bull-type dog sits in front of a masculine-presenting woman who is seated on a couch. The dog is looking at the camera with an orange ball in her mouth, and the woman is looking down at the dog and petting her.

    Live Lessons

    Lessons can be in-person or virtual and begin just after our consultation. I’ll coach you through how to teach and practice relevant skills with your dog, and guide you through a customized management plan to make sure we’re not working against our own efforts. You’ll know exactly what to do!

  • A tan American Bully with a blue sweater looks up at the camera. Beneath her is an orange and green snuffle mat.

    Daily Support

    All clients are encouraged to share videos at least once a week so I can give feedback and help you advance the skills between lessons. This is the key to making continued progress! All clients are also encouraged to check in as frequently as they want. I’m available daily (M-F) for support & guidance.

My dog training programs are designed to provide maximum support over a realistic time period. My current programs are a result of years of experimenting with different training formats. They’re the best I’ve ever offered!

Dog Training Programs (Baltimore & Worldwide)

A black pit bull with a white snout sits on a recliner. She is wearing a red Ohio State jersey and there is a plant in the background.

The Standard Program

  • We will work together for 3 months. That might seem like a long time, but I’ve found that’s about the minimum amount of time for you & your dog to:

    • learn new skills

    • implement them in real life

    • actually start seeing results

  • This program includes:

    • daily support & coaching (M-F) for 3 months

    • 3 live training lessons scheduled monthly (in-person or virtual)

    • initial consultation to fully understand you, your dog, and your goals (virtual)

    • fully customized monthly training plans

  • Pay in full: $650 ($49 savings)

    OR pay monthly: $233/month

    Sliding scale is available—just let me know if you need to use this option. Please don’t let cost be a barrier to training!

  • This is my “standard” program, which means it’s a good option for nearly all dogs in all situations.

    Behavior change takes time. I won’t just teach you skills and then wish you luck—we’re working together for three months to make sure you have the ongoing guidance and support you need to implement what you & your dog have learned and really see progress.

A German Shepard-looking dog wearing a teal harness and bowtie sits behind a tan American Bully, who is lying down and wearing a hot pink harness. They are seated on grass with a split rail fence behind them.

The Extended Program

  • We will work together for 6 months instead of the standard 3 months. (See “Why choose this program?” for more)

  • This program includes:

    • daily support & coaching (M-F) for 6 months

    • 6 live training lessons scheduled monthly (in-person or virtual)

    • initial consultation to fully understand you, your dog, and your goals (virtual)

    • fully customized monthly training plans

  • Pay in full: $1,130 ($100 savings)

    OR pay monthly: $205/month

    Sliding scale is available—just let me know if you need to use this option. Please don’t let cost be a barrier to training!

  • The extended program is ideal for:

    • dogs who need significant behavior modification

    • dogs who have multiple behavior issues to address

    • folks with lots of goals for their dog

    • folks who have multiple dogs with multiple needs

    The 6-month option is just more realistic in these kinds of cases!

A tan pit bull-type dog with cropped ears looks up at the camera. He is holding a toy in his mouth and appears playful. Behind him is a colorful rug and wooden floors.

The Accelerated Program

  • We’ll work together for 2 months.

  • This program includes:

    • daily support & coaching (M-F) for 2 months

    • 4 live training lessons scheduled every other week (in-person or virtual)

    • initial consultation to fully understand you, your dog, and your goals (virtual)

    • fully customized monthly training plans

  • Pay in full: $700 ($50 savings)

    OR pay monthly: $375/month

    Sliding scale is available—just let me know if you need to use this option. Please don’t let cost be a barrier to training!

  • The Accelerated Program has more live lessons (4 total) in a shorter period of time (every other week).

    It’s designed for folks who want the most amount of coaching and support up front. These are usually folks who are feeling really overwhelmed by their dogs’ behavior / situation; first-time dog owners, or folks who have just welcomed a new dog to their family.

    It’s important to note that the accelerated program doesn’t necessarily mean that behavior change will happen faster. We can do everything possible to facilitate change as fast as possible, but at the end of the day, the speed at which our dogs can change their behavior is up to them.

    This is especially true of behavior that’s accompanied by BIG emotions. Emotional responses can be changed, but change. takes. time.

A German Shepherd-type dog stands at the top of wooden stairs looking at the camera. He is surrounded by tall grass, trees and a blue sky, his ears are perked up and his tongue is out.

Not ready for a full program?

I also offer a single consultation for folks who would like to consult with me and receive a customized training plan. I’ll also provide one-month of daily (M-F) support as you implement that plan at home.

Cost: $175

(Sliding scale is available - please inquire if you’d like to use this option)

A chocolate brown pit bull type dog holds a pink frisbee in her mouth while doing a play bow.

What you can expect from me:

  • Empathy for both you and your dog

  • Training and advice tailored to your specific dog in your specific situation

  • A commitment to creative solutions that meet your dog’s unique needs (no cookie cutter approaches!)

  • An approach to training that’s rooted in compassion and free of problematic methods such as force, dominance, and punishment


Why are lessons monthly instead of weekly?

I’ve never found that weekly lessons were necessary; in fact, I’ve found that it creates unrealistic expectations about how fast change happens. You need time to implement what you learned in each lesson, and your dog needs time to create new patterns of behavior and/or emotional responses.

If you’re really stressed and overwhelmed and you need more frequent lessons, then the Accelerated Program (live lessons every other week) is for you!

ALSO: Don’t forget that ALL programs come with between-lesson support. I’m available daily (M-F) to review training videos that you send to me, provide coaching and feedback, and provide support overall. You’re never “on your own” between lessons. This kind of daily support helps us make progress between lessons.

In short, doing lessons monthly doesn’t mean progress is slower. It means we’re being more realistic up front about the time it takes to change behavior.

Do I have to contact you daily?

Nope. I expect each client to check in at least once a week, and I recommend submitting a training video at least once a week as well. This way I can give you feedback and make sure we’re continuing to make progress.

But I encourage each client to check in as often as feels comfortable for them. Want to send me daily updates? Do it! Had a hard day and want my input? Send me a message! Want me to review videos multiple times each week? That’s what I’m here for!

Can you just do it for me?

In most cases, no. There are some cases where it makes sense (behaviorally speaking) for me to work with your dog directly in place of you working with your dog directly; however, those situations are rare! Over the years I’ve found that you get better long-term results when you learn to work with your dog and commit to doing the work necessary to modify their behavior and train new skills.

What if I have multiple dogs? Is it more expensive?

I am THRILLED to say that the prices won’t change even if you have multiple dogs! So if you have a 4-dog household, you can enroll all four dogs in a program at the same cost as enrolling one dog.

That being said, we will need to prioritize our training efforts, and keep in mind that training multiple dogs at the same time is quite a lot of work for you. We’ll talk through this in depth during our consultation, that way you know what to expect and can prioritize accordingly.

What kind of training is this? (Methods/techniques)

I am firmly committed to using ethical, force-free dog training methods. These methods achieve fantastic results without using fear, pain, intimidation or even discomfort to coerce a dog into behaving. There is tons of research across multiple disciplines to support the use of these humane, compassionate methods, as well as plenty of evidence to discourage the use of punishment.

I am also really focused on each dog’s overall wellbeing. I aim to design programs that are realistic for the humans but also consider the dog’s physical, emotional, and behavioral needs.

What if my dog won’t take food?

Then we’ll start there. In some cases we can substitute play or other rewards, but a reluctance to take food often indicates a bigger underlying issue that we need to address. There are also dogs who just need to learn the behavior of eating food (yes, that is a teachable behavior!).